British Shorthair Cat

The British Shorthair Cat


This article will discuss the basics of British shorthair breed, a cat breed related strongly with the Scottish Fold. Cats are mammals from the feline family which are often kept as house pets. They are quiet, stealth and very smart. Cats are preferred as pets due to their cuddly and calm nature. Unlike dogs, they don’t bite and can be safe to be kept around children.

British Shorthair Cat


There are wide breeds of cats and one of them is the British Shorthair cat. The most popular color this cat breed has is the ‘British blue’. It is believed that the British Shorthair cat was brought to Britain from the Roman Empire many centuries ago. The British Shorthair has a people-friendly look and so it is used very often in movies, advertisements and videos in

general. The British Shorthair cat has a lot of distinguishable characteristics which include:

Physical Appearance

British shorthair cats are big, strong looking cats. They have wide chests, thick limbs and a medium length tail. Their large heads have a kind of round shape, with wide cheeks and short muzzles. The British blue shorthair cats often have copper eyes, while other British shorthair cats come with different fur and eye colors. They also have nice big ears.

The most distinguishable feature of the British Short hair cat is its coat. Its name is gotten from its short coat which is has a very thick undercoat. British shorthair cats come in a variety of fascinating fur colors such as white, black, blue, cream, silver, red, gold, fawn and cinnamon.

Behavioral Attributes

British shorthair cats are known to be non-destructive, easy going and calm pets. They are not as playful or active as other cats such as the Scottish shorthair cat. They are very quiet and don’t always like being picked up or carried around. They are easy to train, very intelligent and affectionate. Forming a bond with their owners and showing affection is one of the reasons they are loved cats. For families with little children who are cautious about having wild pets, British shorthair cats are a perfect choice. Also, they require minimal grooming due to their short hair so brushing their furs and clipping their nails once a week can keep them clean.

British Shorthair breed

British shorthair cats value the attention of their owners after there has been a bonding, but they also love to be left alone from time to time. This breed of cats are great for owners who are not always home. Their calm nature makes it easy for them to cohabit with other pets such as dogs, bird and rabbits.

General Health

Unlike other cat breeds, British shorthair cats grow slowly. They take about three years to reach the peak of their physical growth. They have a long life expectancy of about 15 to 20 years. This cat breed is liable to having heart diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and kidney diseases such as the polycystic kidney disease. They are also prone to obesity based on their diet.

To keep a British short-hair cat healthy, it is advisable it is taken for checkups regularly and fed healthily.