All about Scottish Fold Positions

Everything you need to know about Scottish Fold cat’s positions

Do you happen to own a Scottish Fold or you want to know more about this breed? If the answer is yes, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’m going to talk about a very interesting topic: Scottish Fold cats positions. I’m going to present to you every position that this breed can sit in. You should continue reading even if you don’t own a Scottish Fold cat. Most of these can be observed in other breeds as well. Let’s start!

Scottish Fold cats sitting positions

Everyone knows that cats like to sit. A lot. That’s why most of the times you are going to find your kitty like that. However, their position while sitting can mean different things if you know what to look for. After I explain those things, you should be able to tell your cat’s mood just by taking a peek at her.

The neutral position

The neutral position is the most common one among Scottish Fold cats. This is how you are usually going to see your cat. This is a comfortable position that allows your feline to observe everything that you are doing. It is also easy to differentiate from the others. Your cat will just lay down, usually looking like a ball. The head is going to be tucked in toward their chest. This way, they don’t create any tension in their body. This is considered a defensive position as well because they are covering their vulnerable organs.

neutral position scottish fold

The playful position

The following position is also easy to observe. Most people can tell when their cats want to play. Before sitting in this position, they will probably come near you and meow. After that, they will sit on their sides or back, maybe even grabbing or biting your leg. You shouldn’t feel attacked while they do this. Scottish Fold cats usually try to transmit the opposite of this: that they won’t hurt you and are ready for a little bit of entertainment.

The confident position

Next up is the confident position. You cat will lay on her back and expose their stomach if she is standing in this position. This is a pretty rare case and you should definitely feel proud if you can see your cat laying like this randomly around the house. As many of you know, a Scottish Fold cat’s belly is their most vulnerable part. They will expose it like that only if she feels comfortable in the house. Also, by standing like this, she knows there isn’t anyone or anything to worry about. It is a very cute position that will most likely make you pet your Scottish Fold cat. My recommendation is to do it gently and slowly, as their legs are ready to make some scratches.

The relaxed position

Your Scottish Fold cat will also sit in this position when she feels safe. She will lay on her side, with all legs stretched out. This, along with a neutral position, is how cats usually sit when they sleep. Again, you should never scare a cat with aggressive petting. They will always find a way to attack you if you catch them by surprise, no matter the position.

scottish fold relaxed position

The Buddha position

This position is rather uncommon for other breeds, but very popular among Scottish Fold cats. The cats will sit on their butt, with her legs thrown out. You may find it funny, but your cat is not standing like that in order to make you laugh. The reason is rather sad. Many people think that their genetic disease, osteochondrodysplasia, is only affecting their ears. This isn’t true at all. It affects a lot of bones from their body. One example is their wrist bones. So in order to avoid any pain, they will sit like that.

scottish fold buddha position

Scottish Fold cats standing positions

Although not as usual as sitting positions, cats can sometimes stand up when they feel certain emotions.

The attack position

Once you see your cat crouch and she’s staring at a point for several seconds, you know what is coming. She will stay in this position in order to not scare the prey away. She can also consider a simple toy the prey, so you will see her like this sometimes.

scottish fold attack position

The defensive or fearful position

In case your Scottish Fold cat feels threatened, she will probably stay in this position. Their legs will be straight, and she will arch her back, so she will seem bigger. The fur from her spine and tail will also stand on end. This also indicates that she is ready to attack at any moment in case she is attacked.

scottish fold defensive position

The friendly position

The last position that we are going to cover is the friendly position. When your cat feels like she needs a little love, she will stand up and come to you. She will hold her head up and rub it onto you, inviting you to pet her. Always take advantage of these moments, because they are quite rare among Scottish Fold cats.

Health problems: one leg up when sitting

Your cat’s position can also indicate you a health problem. It is called lameness and you can easily identify it. If your Scottish Fold kitty usually holds a leg up while sitting, she might be in some kind of pain. There are a lot of things that could cause this, some of them really grave, like bone cancer or Osteochondrodysplasia.

It’s not my intention to scare you, but you need to be careful at certain signs of health issues. Scottish Folds are prone especially to Osteochondrodysplasia due to their genes.

However, my cat is young and likes to sit with a leg up after sleeping or sitting in the same position for a long period of time. Probably, the leg is numb after a while. This happens to us too.

If you can also observe other symptoms such as: she is walking slow and has a hard time walking up or down the stairs, you should take her to the vet immediately. The treatment can be easy if there are minor causes, but your cat may need surgery in case of a broken bone.


Overall, your Scottish Fold cat’s position can say many things about her mood and health. Make sure you watch her sometimes in order to understand her body language. These positions can also tell you a lot about their needs. In the end, the most important thing is to assure that your cat is happy and healthy. Now, I do have a question for you. How does your Scottish Fold cat usually sit?

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