Scottish Fold Shorthair Unique characteristics

Why do we love Scottish Fold Shorthair


Cats are lovely animals which are usually kept as pets by humans. Their warm, cuddly nature makes them great for companionship while their sharp claws and teeth make them great for hunting vermin. Cats equally love having human Scottish fold shorthair companions as they are very affectionate animals who form bonds with their owners over time. There are about 70 different breeds of cats, one of which is the Scottish fold shorthair cat. The Scottish short hair is a breed of cats popular for their distinguishable folded ears which makes them highly demanded by cat lovers and increases their cost. The Scottish shorthair cat has a number of other distinguishable characteristics which are explained below.

Physical Appearance

Scottish shorthair cats are very unique. They have round heads, round faces, round big eyes and round bodies with short, thick legs. Their ears also remain one of their most distinctive features. Scottish shorthair cats are born with normal long, straight ears but after 3 to 4 weeks, their ears start to fold. Few Scottish shorthair kitten’s ears never fold and so they are referred to as ‘straights’. For this breed of cats, the males are always bigger than the female cats, with the males weighing about 9-13 pounds and the females weighing about 6-9 pounds. Scottish shorthair cats usually have short furs which come in a variety of colors such as white, brown, grey, blue and silver.

Behavioral Attributes

Scottish fold shorthair cats are very gentle cats. They make great pets as they learn to adapt to new environments, they are children friendly pets and can easily cohabit with other household pets. They are also very playful cats and so they enjoy the outdoors. They are observant and learn fast. This makes them very active while playing games and puzzles. They are also stubborn cats with a mind of their own, which can be a lovable trait. They often grow a bond with their

scottish fold cat

owners and show affection to them. Scottish fold shorthairs would rather not be alone for too long. They love a getting attention and prefer being around other cats or their owners. When they are left alone for too long, they might become depressed or very timid.

Their uniqueness does not end with their folded ears. They also make unique purring and meowing sounds which other cats cannot. They are known for taking a position called the “Buddha position” where they sit straight

cure scottish foldwith their paws on their stomach and their legs stretched out.


Scottish shorthair cats do not require excessive grooming. Due to the short length of their hair, weekly brushing of their hair keeps them well groomed. In the spring, they shed hair often so it’s important their brushing schedule is followed properly. Their nails should also be clipped bi-weekly.

General Health

Scottish shorthair folds are strong cats but they are not immune to a risk of getting some diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease and a degenerative joint disease.

It is advisable that owners and potential owners of Scottish fold shorthairs should be aware of their possible generic abnormalities and try to prevent them.


If you want more information about Scottish fold cats check other articles on this website. You can easily find information about breed characteristics, how to take care of Scottish folds and how to feed them. If you want to have a Scottish Fold or you are already an owner I suggest getting the Scottish Fold Owners manual from Amazon. It will help you a lot with great info and tips.