Five reasons you will fall in love with British Shorthair Tabby

Do you love the British Shorthair Tabby?

A British Shorthair tabby is characterized with short fur, a broad face, a dense coat and a chunky body. These cats are so lovable. I have had my British Shorthair silver tabby, Oreo’ for the last two years. Oreo is so amazing, and the best pet I have ever had in my life.I would not trade him for any other type of pet. I cannot seem to love other breeds of cats as much as I love British short hairs.

British Shorthairs are one of the most preferred breeds of cats.Most cat lovers lovethis breed of cats, thanks to their fantastic personality, traits and physical appearance. I have discussed five signs that indicate that you are in love with British shorthairs.

1.You are in love with social and friendly cats

There are some breeds of cat that do not like to be around the social circle of human beings. They prefer isolating themselves at the corner of your couch. The British Shorthairs are very social and friendly, even to strangers. Oreo literally follows me from room to room. He does not like it when I lock him outside a room I am in.

It craves for attention and loves to be stroked and patted. They interact well with children, members of the family, and even visitors. They are affectionate and brilliant. With their intelligence, they are easily trainable. You can easily train them how to behave, and of course how to interact with people.

British Shorthair tabbies are not so playful. Oreo is so calm, and gentle. He rarely engages in games. However, they love to play games that stimulate their intelligence. Play will reduce the risk of them being obese.

Despite being interactive, British Shorthairs love some alone-time. In fact, they rarely love to be on your laps. They prefer lying next to you and not on your laps. They do not like you to carry them around. You will realize that they are more comfortable when not with you. They would rather follow you around.They have no problem staying alone in the house for some time. If you leave your home for work in the morning and get back in the evening, then this is your cat.

2.You are into large yet beautiful cats

I love bigger cats, and so do many other people. They just look cool and easily lovable. British Shorthairs are generally medium to large sized. Males are usually bigger than females. Their body is typically bigger than most regular cats. They generally weigh between 12 and 20 pounds.
Their fur is more dense and fluffy, making them appear to be much bigger.

If I were asked to describe my Oreo, the first thing I would say is it is powerful looking pet. The cat has a large broad chest, thick and robust set of legs, blunt tail, large and rounded head, large ears and full cheeks. The color of their eyes varies according to the pattern and color of their fur. There are several color and patterns to choose from. You get to choose the color that pleases you most.

3.If you require less time to attend to them

British shorthairs do not need frequent grooming. As stated earlier, British Shorthairs can stay the whole day when the family is absent. British shorthairs would not mind lying on the couch alone.

When it comes to brushing and grooming your cat; once a week is just enough. Furthermore, brushing them for a few minutes will make do. However, if you have the time to groom them constantly, you can do it more frequently, they will not mind it. They shed minimal hair; therefore constant brushing may not need to be necessary.

4.You love how their immune system is at another level

It can be quite devastating when your cat constantly falls sick. Since I acquired my British shorthair tabby, it has never fallen ill. Nothing makes me happier than this. Not because I do not want to continually visit the vet, but because I love it when my cat is in good health.

This does not mean that they do not fall sick. They do, just like any other cat. The only difference is that their risk of getting ill is very much reduced compared to most cats breed.

british shorthair tabby play

They are mostly affected by Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Males are usually at a higher risk of being affected.A test conducted on 329 British Shorthair tabbies found out that approximately 20% of males and approximately 2% of females tend to be affected by Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This implies that if you have a male British Shorthair, you should be on the watch out to ensure that it is healthy.

British shorthair tabbies have a lifespan of 14-20 years. The median lifespan is around 12 years.

5.You love a cat with a great personality

There is a belief that cats think of themselves as gods. hey are feeding me and taking good care of me. I must be a god.’ This myth is used to explain why so many cats have the attitude that portrays that everything is all about them. Some cats can be so full of themselves and will never be bothered by human’s presence. British Shorthairs do not have this annoying personality; they would often act like you are friends, and not like one is above the other.

They will often be welcoming to strangers. Most cats will often associate with people that were around and raised them in their kitten ages. The British shorthairs will positively associate with strangers.

These cats are rarely destructive. They are very gentle and calm.


In summary, British Shorthairs tabbies are:

  • Very friendly and interactive
  • Large in size
  • Beautiful physical appearance
  • Have a great personality
  • Rarely get sick

If these traits are what you love in a cat, then you are in love with the British shorthair.

Is British Shorthair tabby for you?


In conclusion, who would not fall in love with these amazing eddy bears’? If the above traits are what you are looking for in a cat, a British Shorthair tabby is the ideal cat for you. Look no further. These traits often impress most people, and that’s why the British Shorthair is one of the most loved cat.