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Should I get a Scottish Fold Cat?
About Scottish Fold cats Scottish Fold cats are a breed of domestic cat known for their distinctive appearance. They are named for their folded ears, which give the cats a playful and curious expression. Scottish Fold cats are typically medium-sized,...

Scottish Fold Health Issues & Health Risks
How predisposed to diseases are Scottish Folds and how to prevent them Lovely Scottish Folds bring a smile on anyone’s face. Their most distinctive trait is, of course, their folded ears. Those who already own a Fold or have been...

Do Scottish Folds and Dogs get along? What breeds?
Are you thinking about getting a Scottish Fold, but all you hear are descriptions of their cute folded ears? If you already own other pets, this article can help you decide whether a Fold fits into your household or not....

Scottish Fold Eye Problems and Care
Eyes are essential to every creature, but for cats, eyes are even more important. It helps them see things clearer than we do. Night vision is also crucial as they can distinguish more than we can from a far distance....

Hair and Shedding in Scottish Folds
How to groom your Scottish Fold and how much do they shed Cat owners everywhere can rejoice and agree on one thing – cats shed. Any home with a cat as a permanent inhabitant knows what cat hair looks like....
Scottish Fold vs Scottish Fold Munchkins – Differences and Similarities
What I want to discuss in this article is two of the cutest breeds: Scottish Fold and Scottish Fold Munchkins. I’ll go through some history, particularities for both breeds, and the health issues they might have. We all know it...

Scottish Fold Adoption: Process, Where, How
Where and how to get a Scottish Fold cat for your home Are you looking to adopt a Scottish Fold and don’t know where to begin!? Let’s talk a bit about how, where and why to get a new ear-fold...

Scottish Fold Vaccination – Everything You Should Know
Scottish Fold Vaccination Schedule In the first months of life, vaccination is one of the most important aspects regarding your Scottish Folds health. Vaccines are special injection products that give the animal resistance against very serious, even incurable diseases. CAUTION!...

Scottish Fold Arthritis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
In this article, I want to talk about Scottish Folds and their health issues. One of the health issues a Scottish Fold might have is arthritis, and here we’re going to focus on its causes, origin, and treatment. Cats are...

How to breed Scottish Folds Correctly – Rules and Breeds Mix
The rules of breeding Scottish Fold cats to avoid health problems The existence of Scottish Folds as a breed can be traced back to one moment in time. Back in Scotland, a farm kitty names Susie gave birth to a...