What to do about stray cats

What to do about stray cats?

I get this question very often from people and I also wonder what to do about stray cats. Stray cats usually live outside and have little or no interaction with humans. They usually don’t like to be touched or groomed and run if you try to pet them. But I also found some that do like playing with me.

Where do cats sleep outside?

Usually cats sleep outside where they can find a warm place near a source of food and water. They also need to feel safe so they won’t sleep in crowded places. They will find a quiet space where you can’t usually find them. During the day they often sleep in parks.

Outside cats like crawl spaces, under decks, under bushes, in sheds, under dumpsters and separate garages in back yards. Cats are smart and will often find places where humans can’t touch them. They like cramped places like under the trash or under cars.

What do cats that live outside eat?

Cats that live outside will eat things they find in the trash, small animals or other food that is left from other animals. Also, many people feed them which is arguably a good or bad thing. I do not want to get in details but many people think it’s bad to feed feral cats.

Do outside cats get cold?

They have a thick fur and living outside they can be used to low temperatures. They like to find a warm place to stay: on a car that just stopped, near home’s windows, near a garage, near buildings etc. But they can get sick are present symptoms for either a viral or bacterial infection.

Feeding stray cats

Cats are obligate carnivores and according to www.environment.gov.au you can give boneless chicken simple cooked. They do not like any additional flavors or condiments so avoid them. Also there is a great chance that they will like boiled rice and scrambled eggs. Cats can eat raw meat but it is better to cook it before in order to make sure it doesn’t have any bacteria.