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Scottish Fold Insurance – Is it Worth It?

Scottish Fold Insurance – Is it Worth It?

Scottish Fold Insurance – Is it Worth It? Is Scottish Fold Insurance really worth it? Scottish Fold cats are a popular choice due to their cute folded ears where the cat takes its name. They are shorthaired which makes grooming...


Scottish Fold vs Cats: knowing what works for you

Scottish Fold vs Cats: knowing what works for you

Scottish fold vs Different Breeds I just love cats, and a look at the Scottish fold gives me more reason to love these furry creatures. Most cats have their own unique and distinct appearance, something that separates them from the...


What to do about stray cats

What to do about stray cats? I get this question very often from people and I also wonder what to do about stray cats. Stray cats usually live outside and have little or no interaction with humans. They usually don’t...


Why do Cats Lay on your Chest?

Why do Cats Lay on your Chest?

Why do cats lay on your chest? Who doesn’t love cats? They offer you love and energy and are always affectionate. So people wonder why do cats lay on their chest? I tried to answer this question and also asked...


Five reasons you will fall in love with British Shorthair Tabby

Five reasons you will fall in love with British Shorthair Tabby

Do you love the British Shorthair Tabby? A British Shorthair tabby is characterized with short fur, a broad face, a dense coat and a chunky body. These cats are so lovable. I have had my British Shorthair silver tabby, Oreo’...


Scottish Fold Shorthair Unique characteristics

Scottish Fold Shorthair Unique characteristics

Why do we love Scottish Fold Shorthair   Cats are lovely animals which are usually kept as pets by humans. Their warm, cuddly nature makes them great for companionship while their sharp claws and teeth make them great for hunting...


Scottish Fold Silver Tabby

Scottish Fold Silver Tabby

Cats are one of man’s most popular and favorite pets. They are known to be quiet, cuddly and intelligent. Research has proven that one out of 20 people has cats as pets. There is a wide breed of cats, one...


British Fold Shorthair cat origin, history, personality and food

British Fold Shorthair cat origin, history, personality and food

Cats are wonderful companions. Like humans, they have different personalities, some are more quiet and shy, others are joyful and funny, but they all need attention, care and lots of love. The British Fold Shorthair cat is one of the...


Scottish Fold Longhair – All about them

Scottish Fold Longhair – All about them

Ever since the world came into existence, human beings have enjoyed the company of pet animals. They have lived with many animals ranging from dogs to cats. Interestingly enough, the human eyes have recently witnessed the birth of a new,...


Chartreux vs British Shorthair Cats

Chartreux vs British Shorthair Cats

Chartreux vs British Shorthair Cats The Chartreux and British Shorthair cats are both domestic cats which a lot of cat lovers prefer to keep as pets. The Chartreux is a rare cat breed from France and the British Shorthair is known as the oldest cat in the world. While a Chartreux cat is big...